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Oral Rotary Vaccine - ROTATEQ/ROTARIX

Oral Rotary Vaccine - ROTATEQ/ROTARIX

Rotavirus infection in infants and young children can cause severe gastroenteritis, with symptoms of acute vomiting, diarrhea and high fever. Therefore, it is appropriate for infants and young children to receive oral rotavirus vaccine after birth to prevent rotavirus infection.

Oral rotavirus vaccine:

Pentavalent rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq® - MSD
Three doses cover the most common virus serotypes G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9. In large-scale clinical trials, RotaTeq has proven to be 98% effective against severe gastroenteritis (fever, vomiting, diarrhea and behavioral changes) caused by rotavirus. Protective, 74% protective against gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines) of any severity caused by rotavirus. Infants vaccinated with RotaTeq were also 94% less likely to go to the emergency room and 96% less likely to be hospitalized in the first two years after vaccination.

First dose: 6-12 weeks Second dose: 10-28 weeks Third dose: 14-32 weeks

Monovalent rotavirus vaccine Rotarix® - GSK
Two doses cover G1 and G3, G4, and G9 rotavirus serotypes. Two clinical trials found that Rotarix has 85% to 96% protection against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis. One study found Rotarix was 96% effective in reducing hospitalizations through two rotavirus seasons.

First dose: 6 to 20 weeks Second dose: 24 weeks ago

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