20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine - PREVENAR® 20
20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine - PREVENAR® 20
Pneumococcal infection refers to all diseases caused by pneumococci. There are over ninety different serotypes of this bacterium. Pneumococci can be transmitted through droplets and contact with respiratory secretions; direct contact with patients is another route of transmission.
Pneumococcal bacteria can cause a variety of different illnesses, including:
This is a severe pneumococcal infection. Patients usually experience symptoms such as fever, stiff neck and confusion, and can cause hearing loss and even death;
Patients will develop symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, chills and cough with phlegm, which may lead to death in severe cases; and
otitis media
Symptoms of patients include fever and earache, and discharge may occur in the ears. Those with repeated episodes may suffer from hearing loss.
- 👥 適合人士
- ✅ 優勢
- 💉 接種建議
- 18 歲或以上高風險人士
- 50 歲及以上人士
- 可覆蓋原有的13種血清型病毒 (1、3、4、5、6A、6B、7F、9V、14、18C、19A、19F、23F) 及增加7種新血清型-與侵襲性肺炎鏈球菌感染症 (invasive pneumococcal disease,IPD)、高致死率及抗生素耐受性相關 (8、10A、11A、12F、15B、22F、33F)
- 可與流感疫苗及新冠疫苗同時接種
- 接種後抗體長期有效,無需重複接種
- 曾接種13價肺炎球菌結合疫苗或23價肺炎球菌多醣疫苗,可考慮一年後接種20價肺炎球菌結合疫苗
- 18歲以上從未接種過肺炎球菌結合疫苗的人士:一劑20價結合疫苗,毋須接種23價肺炎球菌結合疫苗。
- 曾接種13價肺炎球菌結合疫苗及23價肺炎球菌多醣疫苗,可考慮五年後接種20價肺炎球菌結合疫苗。
- 曾接種15價:建議接種23價多醣疫苗
- 曾接種13價:建議與醫生商量下一針疫苗
- 可與流感疫苗及新冠疫苗同時接種